April 2017 – Issue 211

 Page  3      Understanding Your Astrological Social Life and Friends

                                                 Friendship with Aries & Taurus   : by Norvell

Page  4     Other Realities and ‘Time’ ~ Paula Peterson

Page  6     Zodiac Signs & Their Crystals : Aries & Taurus

                                                                                      ~ Adam Barralet

Page  8     Crossword No. 74 ~ Compiled by Isabella Russell

Page 10     Ruby’s Spirit Messages ~ Jackie & Jim Lindsay

Page 11    Obituary : Jackie Lindsay on 16th March 2017

Page 12    Profile on Patrick De Haan,

                            ‘The Amendment’ Channelling Author

Page 15    Understanding The Energy Used In Mediumship

                      ‘Talking to Heaven’  ISBN 0-7336-0939-2  ~ James Van Praagh

Page 18   ‘Angels and Miracles’  ISBN 0 7126 1203  ~ Glennyse S. Eckersley

Page 20   Unsolved Mysteries Of The Past ~ Reader’s Digest 1991

Page 23    ‘The Heavenly Host’ ~ Reader’s Digest Almanac of the Uncanny’ 

Page 28   UFO Case Files Of Scotland (Vol. 2) ISBN 978-109071265-12-3

                                                                       ~ Malcolm Robinson

Page 31   A Timely Message For All Drivers ~ Author Unknown

                                                                     Courtesy of Gypsy Maggie Rose 

Page 32  Wisdom Form An Avatar (Pt. 71)  ~ Bethesda…

                                                                            Courtesy of Frank Weaver 

Page 33   Comfort For The Bereaved ~ Cassandra Eason :

                                               ‘Families Are Forever’  ISBN 1-85538-259-8

Page 35    Humour:  ‘Out Of The Mouths Of Children’    plus more jokes…

 Page 36   Outlets where ‘Universal Mind’ Magazines are available for sale…